Adult Lessons
Adult group lessons and camps are held in the summer at Aldeen Practice Center and in the winter at Indoor Sports Center at Mercyhealth Sportscore Two.
🏌️ Adult Group Lessons
Ages: 18+
Whether you're an adult who wishes you started golf earlier, or an experienced golfer who wants to take one or two strokes off your round, this lesson program is what you are looking for. Our Golf Professional will help you with the fundamentals, or we'll help you take those last few strokes off your score to break 100, 90, 80, or even 70. Each golfer will be given one or two things they can work on with their own golf swing. Our team will mold the lesson to help each golfer with their golf game. Not every golfer needs the same grip or swing. Our team will analyze each golfer's particular swing and help them improve using techniques that are specific to their golf game.
🏌️ Adult Golf Camps
Ages: 18+
This new and improved camp will offer instruction on our championship-level course, as well as in-depth video analysis of your swing. During this four-day camp, we will cover the fundamentals of a golf swing as well as take your game to the next level with on-course advice and strategy.
🏌️ Short Game Golf School
Short Game School will give you a comprehensive guide on how to handle various lies and situations you see on the golf course. We will focus on the fundamentals of shot/situation, as well as reading the lie, club selection, shot selection, and routine to build your short game IQ. The coaches teaching this class will be PGA Professional Chris French and short game guru Dan Cameron.
🏌️ Golf Putting School
The Putting School will focus on the main points on how to putt well: hitting your start line, speed control, and green reading. This school will work through all three aspects along with looking at your fundamentals to give you a solid repeatable stroke. Students will also learn drills and practice games they can play to maintain each skill. This will help you take your skills to the golf course and hole more putts. The coaches teaching this class will be PGA Professional Chris French and short game guru Dan Cameron.